How to Clean Your Pool Filter Cartridge

How to Clean Your Pool Filter Cartridge

12th Sep 2023

It's crucial not to overlook the importance of regular pool maintenance, particularly when it comes to ensuring the optimal condition of your pool filter cartridge. Failing to give this vital component the attention it deserves may lead to subpar water quality and inefficient filtration. But worry not! In this all-inclusive guide presented by Pool Parts Unlimited, we will take you through a detailed step-by-step process for cleaning your pool filter cartridge.

The Importance of Your Pool Filter Cartridge

Your pool filter cartridge plays a crucial role in keeping your pool water pristine. It acts as a barrier, trapping debris and contaminants that can impact water quality. Over time, the cartridge gathers dirt, oil, and grime, reducing its filtration efficiency. Regular cleaning is essential to maintain optimal performance, extend its lifespan, and prevent unnecessary strain on your pool's entire filtration system.

The Steps for Cleaning Your Pool Filter Cartridge

Step 1: Turn your pool pump off and open the air relief valve atop the filter to release trapped air.

Step 2: Remove the drain plug at the bottom of the filter to drain the rest of the water.

Step 3: Remove the filter lid by loosening the clamp and carefully take out the cartridges. Inspect them for damage and replace the cartridges if necessary.

Step 4: Use a garden hose and nozzle to clean the cartridges, paying attention to the pleats. For heavily soiled filters, soak them overnight in a mixture of filter cleaner and water. Rinse thoroughly after soaking.

Step 5: Inspect the filter tank O-ring for any damage and replace it as necessary to maintain optimal performance.

Step 6: Place the cartridges back into the filter unit and ensure they are securely in place. Replace the lid, tighten the clamp, and ensure proper sealing.

Step 7: With the air relief valve open and the drain plug closed, turn your pool pump back on. Close the air relief valve once water flows consistently. Then, check the filter pressure to ensure it is within the normal range.

With proper care and attention, your pool filter cartridge will keep your pool water sparkling clean. If you need pool filter cartridge replacements, shop with Pool Parts Unlimited!

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